Barry G Blundell FBCS
Research and writing
‘Even though we navigate daily through a perceptual world of three spatial dimensions and reason occasionally about higher dimensional arenas with mathematical ease, the world portrayed on our information displays is caught up in the two-dimensionality of the endless flatlands of paper and video screen. All communication between the readers of an image and makers of an image must now take place on a two-dimensional surface. Escaping this flatland is the essential task of envisioning information – for all the interesting worlds (physical, biological, imaginary, human) that we seek to understand are inevitably and happily multivariate in nature.’
Edward Tufte, ‘Envisaging Information’.
A primary research objective is to identify, evaluate and develop innovative visualisation and multimedia methodologies which harmoniously capitalise on our remarkable sensory systems, and in doing so significantly advance our interface to the digital domain.
My research into advanced visualisation and multimedia techniques is interdisciplinary, spanning key areas of computer science (computer graphics, image processing, multimedia, HCI, algorithms), electronic engineering, physics and the humanities. This work currently centres on autostereoscopic techniques including radial raster, volumetric and holographic approaches together with systems which support a greater degree of sensory immersion.
Ongoing investigations include techniques which generate coincident image and interaction spaces and are able to support direct haptic-based interaction, multi-viewer systems, and systems able to provide natural support for motion parallax (parallax for observer dynamics).
In transitioning from monocular displays to the next generation of advanced multimedia visualisation systems it is crucial to formulate the metrics, methodologies and techniques needed to support top-down design practices whereby system performance can be closely tailored to the requirements of a diverse range of applications. In this respect, it is necessary to work closely with end user stakeholders in areas such as scientific visualisation, education, medicine, CAD, geological survey, avionics, architecture, the creative arts, etc. This further extends the interdisciplinary nature of this fascinating and rapidly advancing field of research.
Seminar I gave at the University of Auckland introducing basic aspects of the radial raster and early Russian glasses-free 3D cinema (29 minute video).
This scanned copy is made available as it is out of copyright - the original book is extremely difficult to source.
The following examples of my publications may be freely downloaded here. These are made available for personal, non-commercial use only. If you wish to make any content available for teaching purposes, or reproduce material, please let me know beforehand.
This White Paper introduces key terminology and discusses a range of approaches within a single unified framework.
This White Paper primarily focuses on exploring radial raster technologies and their application in underpinning autostereoscopic cinema in Russia which opened to the public in 1940. This White Paper also includes discussion on the cyclostereoscope, and early work undertaken by Denis Gabor in devising autostereoscopic cinema methodologies
" Volumetric Three-Dimensional Display Systems " by B G Blundell and A J Schwarz (330 pages). This book was first published by John Wiley & Sons Inc in 2000 and provides wide-ranging discussion on volumetric imaging techniques within a unified framework.
" Creative 3-D Display and Interaction Interfaces: A Trans-Disciplinary Approach " by B G Blundell and A J Schwarz (371 pages). This book was first published by John Wiley & Sons Inc in 2006 and provides discussion on a range of innovative visualisation methodologies. In addition, the book focuses on relevant aspects of the human visual system and on interaction modalities with particular emphasis on haptic interaction.
" 3D Displays and Spatial Interaction: Exploring the Science, Art, Evolution and Use of 3D Technologies " by B G Blundell (408 pages). This book discusses image depiction, 3D techniques, and various interaction modalities within the context of an interdisciplinary framework. The book is designed to make the content equally accessible to readers who have either a scientific/engineering or a humanities background. The book builds broad foundations and is the first part of a three volume set. The second volume of this work is currently under development.
" About 3D Volumetric Displays " by B G Blundell (158 pages). This pocket sized monograph focuses on the depiction of volumetric data. It is intended to provide a focused introduction to this area of research.
" An Introduction to Computer Graphics and Creative 3D Environments " by B G Blundell (501 pages). First published by Springer Verlag in 2008 this book introduces fundamental concepts of computer graphics. Only an elementary knowledge of maths is assumed, as all the relevant mathematics is introduced in an accessible manner. The book also includes discussion of a range of innovative 3D technologies. The physical book includes a section of anaglyph wire frame images which are not included in this free download. In addition, stereo, anaglyph and Pulfrich glasses are included with the physical book.
Readers who find the above of interest are also referred to “Enhanced Visualization: Making Space for 3D Images” (425 pages) by Barry G Blundell. Published by John Wiley & Sons Inc in 2007, this is available via Amazon, Wiley, etc.
Spatial visualisation and multimedia consultant: providing innovative 3D technology perspective to companies with emphasis on the assessment of potentially ‘disruptive’ technologies, future trends, matching systems to applications, visualisation application development, interaction and networking opportunities, training on 3D display and synergistic interaction technologies.
Digital learning consultant: course and materials development (including video content), course moderation and accreditation, training of course providers. Particular assistance available in blended learning; infusing technologies into online education to enhance the educational experience and course delivery efficiency.
Passionately committed to teaching at all levels and to student motivation and the infusion of cutting edge technologies into the teaching process.

All material unless otherwise indicated is (c) Barry G Blundell 2011-2020
Last updated 23rd Feb 2020